Grant to establish an Online Broadcasting Platform
The British Council is looking for an Implementing Partner, with specialist expertise in delivering arts and media projects with youth in Tunisia.
The specific objective of the grant is to empower marginalised young people to produce and disseminate their own narratives and media products under a youth-led brand. The Implementing Partner will work with the Programme Team to create an online broadcasting Platform that responds to marginalised young people’s needs, interests, and priorities.
Closing date | Thursday 26 September 2019 |
Role overview
Young people will be recruited and provided with training, coaching, and technical support to produce their own content and broadcast it via the Platform. The Implementing Partner will create and manage a co-working space fitted with studios, and adequate equipment to host the young Participants, train them, and equip them to produce their content.
The Implementing Partner will work closely with Project Partners and the Project team and ensure that tasks and reporting documents are shared and updated regularly, and will comply with the British Council’s policies.
How to apply
Applications for this opportunity are managed through the British Council e-tendering portal hosted at
The portal can be viewed in English or French – please use the flags at the bottom of the page to select the language.
The deadline is Monday 26 September 2019. Applicants will need to create an account on the InTend portal (please note that only the yellow fields are mandatory). This process takes just a few minutes and is free of charge.
To view full details of this opportunity and to submit an application:
1.Navigate to the ‘Tenders’ [Appels d’offres] tab on the portal and select ‘Current’. [‘Appels d‘offres en cours’]
2.Click on the project title: ‘Youth-Led Broadcasting Platform / Plateforme de Radiodiffusion Dirigée par des Jeunes’ or search for Project Number ‘BC/01000’
3.Click ‘Express Interest’ [‘Manifester de l‘interêt’] at the bottom and then select the ‘ITT - Documents’ tab to download the full Request for Proposals, Supplier Response form and Pricing Approach template.
4.Confirm your participation in this tender by clicking ‘Opt In’ [‘Je participe’]
5.Complete the Supplier Response form and Pricing Approach template and upload using the ‘Attach Documents’ [‘Joindre des documents’] button.
6.Click ‘Submit Return’ [Soumettre candidature/offre’]’ to submit your application.
7.Clarification can be requested through the ‘Correspondence’ [‘Messages]’ tab.