As part of English Language Month 2015, a national campaign was run by British Council and British Embassy Tunis, during the month of November 2015. The campaign aimed to promote the importance of languages and in particular better levels of English to improve the employability of young Tunisians.

During the month of November, two events were organised to contribute to the current reform process being undertaken by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Vocational Training and Employment and the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research. The two events are:

  • Tunisia Speaks English conference
  • The launch of Tunisia Speaks English radio series

Tunisia Speaks English conference: 7-8 November 2015 

Three leading Tunisian Teachers’ Associations Tunisia TESOL, Tunisian Association of Teachers of English (TATE) and the Tunisian Education and Resource Network (TEARN), in partnership with the British Council, organized the first Tunisia Speaks English, a two-day conference from 7-8 November 2015. 

Tunisia Speaks English conference took place at Alhambra Thalasso Hotel in Hammamet and hosted 300 delegates who represented a wide range of stakeholders involved in the teaching and learning of English in Tunisia. They included:

  • English language teaching practitioners (teachers, trainers, and inspectors) 
  • students 
  • Parents 
  • Policy makers from the three ministries of education 
  • The employment agencies. 

The aim of the conference was: 

Convene and allow delegates to propose a series of recommendations that can be taken forward by stakeholders in the context of the current reform process being undertaken by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Vocational Training and Employment and the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and other stakeholders to help improve the levels of English language proficiency of students finishing school, vocational training and university. 

The participants were guided through the process of recommendation writing by education experts from Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco and the United Kingdom.

All stakeholders’ representatives worked together in an inclusive and participatory approach to propose a list of key recommendations to improve the levels of English proficiency through better teaching and learning of English.

Recommendation workshops were conducted around the following 4 key areas:

  1. Learner training, recognized certification and employability
  2. The Role of Technology for better learning of English 
  3. Teacher training, continuous professional development and certification
  4. Testing and assessment for better learning of English

Tunisia speaks English radio series: From November 2015 to May 2016

Tunisia Speaks English radio series is aired in partnership with Radio Tunis Chaîne Internationale from the month of November 2015 until the month of May 2016.

The discussion between all involved stakeholders will be based on the themes of the conference and the suggestions will be presented to the ministries, civil society and employers to help improve the levels of English language proficiency of students finishing school, vocational training and university. 

Each program will focus on a specific sector in Tunisia. Guests will represent each of the following stakeholders:  

  • Teachers, 
  • Tunisian ministries of education, higher education and vocational training or their associated institutions such as the ATCT or ATFP, 
  • Learners
  • Parents
  • Employers or unions and employers associations of teachers

The programs will be broadcast as follows:

  1. November 2015: First programme of Tunisia Speaks English involving all 3 education levels.
  2. December 2015: Tunisia Speaks English- ​​vocational training.
  3. January 2016: Tunisia Speaks English – Primary schools
  4. February 2016: Tunisia Speaks English – middle school
  5. March 2016: Tunisia Speaks English – Secondary school 
  6. May 2016: Tunisia Speaks English – Higher Education 


Contest to accompany each program:

A monthly web quest based on British Council websites for learners of English will be announced during each radio program. 

2 winners will be offered a tablet each and names will be announced on the radio and the British Council Facebook page 













External links